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The following agreement is made by and between Hazelwood Preschool and    

Current Tuition Rates:

  • Half Day Program $1045/Month

  • Full Day program $1,485/month

Please select which program you are enrolling
Other (see below)

Please read the following agreement carefully:

My tuition payments will cover the months of September-June and will not include the summer camps taking place within the months of July or August. The school will be closed for a Winter Break in Mid-December ending at the New Year as well as for Mid-Winter/Spring Breaks (scheduled to closely match the breaks of the Seattle Public Schools). However, I may elect to enroll in Mid-Winter or Spring Break camps. These camps are optional and will be billed through the ProCare System. Summer Camps are also optional and are may be signed up in advance in late Winter. These camps are paid for weekly. Families may enroll their students and their siblings that are 2 to 7 years in all camps.


I understand it is my responsibility to follow the invites and guidelines in the ProCare online system to set up my bank account information in order for my payments to be completed. Tuition for September will be auto billed September 3, 2024 and will reflect any previously paid deposit, if applicable. After that, Invoices for the following month will be generated on the 15th of the previous month and charge my account one week before the following month begins. Meaning, I will be charged October Tuition on September 24th. I understand that my child’s enrollment is on condition that these payments are made on time.  

Hours and Extended Care:

Our arrival time will be between 8:30am and 9:00am, and pick up time will be no later than 1pm for Half Day students and 4pm for Full Day students. If my child is enrolled in the Half Day program and I need occasional afternoon care, I may sign up for the Afternoon Drop-In Program at drop-off which is $30/Day and will be billed at the end of the month through ProCare. If not enrolled in Full-Day care, any time spent between 1:05pm-4:00pm at Hazelwood will be considered attending Afternoon Drop-In and I will be charged $30 for the afternoon, regardless if child leaves early. A fee of $10 every 5 minutes will be applied for late pick up after 4:00pm, except for emergency situations on which I will try to the best of my ability to notify the school of the situation. There will be After Care until 5:30 available to students for $20 per day. Both Afternoon Drop-In and After Care can be signed up on ProCare at morning sign-in on my ProCare App. Accounts will be billed at the end of the month for all late fees and drop-in care. I understand that if I cancel these payments or the fees are not paid on time, my child will not be able to attend until fees are paid in full.


Before signing this contract, I have read the Policy Handbook and Parent Handbook provided for me and promise to uphold the requirements outlined for me and my child there. I understand that disregarding these policies can result in termination from child care enrollment. By signing below, I am representing my family’s commitment to these policies and contract.



Entered into on:


between Hazelwood Preschool and the undersigned Parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of:

1.      Assumption of Responsibility: The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand and agree that they are solely responsible for their child's behavior and actions while on the premises of Hazelwood Preschool. Hazelwood Preschool will take reasonable measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all children, but the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) acknowledge that they have the primary responsibility for their child's conduct and safety.

2.      Supervision of the Child: The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) shall ensure that their child is adequately supervised while on Preschool premises when being dropped off and picked up. The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand that they are expected to accompany their child to the classroom and collect them from the classroom, ensuring that the child is under their supervision at all times.

3.      Emergency Contact Information: The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) shall provide up-to-date emergency contact information, including names, phone numbers, and any relevant medical information, to Hazelwood Preschool. The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will promptly notify Hazelwood Preschool in case of any changes to the provided contact information.

4.      Indemnification and Hold Harmless: The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) agree to indemnify and hold harmless Hazelwood Preschool, its employees, agents, and volunteers from any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, or expenses arising out of or in connection with any injury or harm caused by their child while on Preschool premises. This includes any legal fees incurred by Hazelwood Preschool in defending such claims.

5.      Compliance with Rules and Regulations: The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and their child shall comply with all the rules and regulations of Hazelwood Preschool, as outlined in the Parent Handbook and other relevant documents. The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) understand that failure to comply with these rules may result in their child's dismissal from Hazelwood Preschool.

6.      Reporting of Incidents: The Parent(s)/Guardian(s) agree to promptly report any accidents, incidents, or injuries involving their child while on Preschool premises to Hazelwood Preschool staff. Additionally, they shall follow any prescribed procedures for reporting such events.

7.      Liability Insurance: Hazelwood Preschool maintains liability insurance to protect against unforeseen incidents. However, the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) acknowledge that this insurance does not cover any willful or intentional actions of their child that may result in harm to others or property damage.

8.      Termination of Enrollment: Hazelwood Preschool reserves the right to terminate a child's enrollment in case of repeated violations of rules, disruptive behavior, or actions that pose a threat to the safety and well-being of others.                                     


I hereby certify that my child(ren) is/are in good physical condition and do/does not suffer from any disability that prevents or limits his/her participation in all activities conducted by Hazelwood Preschool. I acknowledge that Hazelwood Preschool will not assume any responsibility or liability for personal injury or damages caused by the injury. In the event Hazelwood Preschool is unable to reach a parent, guardian or any emergency contact, I hereby give permission for my child(ren) to be transported to the nearest hospital for treatment in case of an accident or emergency. I hereby further authorize(s) any of the staff or employees to provide for, approve and authorize health care at a medical clinic or hospital. I give consent for my child to receive first aid/CPR by a licensed childcare provider and/or qualified staff member at Hazelwood Preschool. I waive my right of informed consent to such treatment in the event I, or another guardian, cannot be reached.

 I hereby grant and authorize undefined the right to take, edit, copy, publish, distribute and make use of any and all pictures or video taken of my child(ren) to be used in and/or for legally promotional materials and digital communications. I understand and agree that these materials shall become the property of and will not be returned. This authorization shall continue indefinitely, unless I otherwise revoke said authorization in writing. 


I promise to not share or publish the photos/videos of other enrolled children or photos/videos of my child that feature other children without the consent of that child's primary parent or guardian.


*Hazelwood promises to not publish your child's photo or video on any social media without granting permission from you first on a case-by-case basis. However, Hazelwood may use your child's image on a flyer or newsletter which would be distributed only to enrolled families or on rare occasions, to new enrolling families.

I understand that parts of the preschool program will take place off property. I hereby grant permission for my child to take part in daily walks/outings in nearby forested parks and neighboring streets which there will be adequate staffing present. I understand that all staff are very familiar with these areas and have been trained to uphold the school's high safety standards.


I understand that once a week, my child participates in the morning R.O.O.T.S. program in Fauntleroy Park and if I am late dropping my child off, I may be responsible for locating and uniting my child with their class. I give permission for my child to attend fieldtrips which I will be notified ahead of time and given enough notice to opt out if desired. I understand that if I choose to opt out on fieldtrip days, there may not be staffing available at the school site and my child may need to stay home those days.

By signing below, the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Release of Liability Agreement and agree to be bound by them.  




9140 California Ave SW

Seattle, WA 98136



501(c)(3) Nonprofit

TAX ID: 88-1358292


WAC 110-301-0030 Nondiscrimination. (1) A school-age program is defined by state law as a place of public accommodation that must: (a) Not discriminate in employment practices or client services based on race, creed, color, national origin, sex, honorably discharged veteran or military status, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, or ability; and (b) Comply with the requirements of the Washington law against discrimination (chapter 49.60 RCW) and the ADA. (2) A school-age program must have a written nondiscrimination policy addressing at least the factors listed in subsection (1) of this section. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.216.055 and 43.216.065. WSR 21-10-035, § 110-301-0030, filed 4/27/21, effective 6/1/21.]   

© 2023 Hazelwood Preschool

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